Regional Groups

The SIOUXLAND COLLECTORS CLUB was formed to host the 2003 National MMCI Summer Show in Lennox SD. After the 2003 Show, the Club voted to stay togather with the goals of promoting the collecting and preserving of MM tractors, equipment, and legacy.

Siouxland Collectors Photo Gallery

To enjoy some of our photos, go to the Photos Gallery and look for the Siouxland Album.

Siouxland Collectors five-member Board of Directors:

Organization and Meetings

The Siouxland Collectors Club holds three meetings a year: The Summer Meeting is held at a member's house with a meal served. This is one way to keep members involved and to see other members' collection of tractors and related materials. The Spring Meetings are held to kick off the Summer Show season and to get everyone back in touch. The Fall Meeting serves as a wrap-up for the season and to elect new board members.

Club Newsletter

The Siouxland Collectors keep in touch through their full color newsletter. The newsletter keeps members up-to-date with future Club events and recaps the summer events.

The newsletter also includes a member profile, which hightlights one club member and his or her collection. This includes a couple of photos to put a face to the name. It also shows how deverse and involved the Club members are.

Club Merchandise

As a way to raise funds the Club offers several different items for sale:

  • Hats, shirts and jackets.
  • Videos of the 2005 Humboldt Show.
  • More information on additional items for sale will be coming.

  • Siouxland Activities

    The Siouxland Collectors have supported two area shows following the 2003 National Show. At each of these shows the Club displayed over 120 MM items. The Club selects a show to support that will help get as many Club members together as possible.

    In 2004 the Siouxland Collectors Club went to the Menno Pioneer Power Show and displayed over 120 MM items. This year the Club was at the Old Fashion Threshing Show in Humboldt SD. This show had over 145 MM items. Minneapolis Moline equipment was used to do everything from threshing and plowing to pulling trollies. A field of stubble was left to use for MM only plowing. There were 14 tractors and 48 bottoms that started across the field. Tractors plowing ranged from a Turkey U to a Jeep to a JTU to a 604. A video of the Humboldt Show is avaliable. The video shows the drilling of grain, combining, threshing, plowing and parading.

    The 2007 National MMCI Summer Show was held in Madison, South Dakota at Prairie Villiage.